dissabte, 6 de novembre del 2010


(morning sun, Edward Hooper)

When we look to this artwork, we can see a young woman, who is sitting on a bed which has been made by, looking through the window; but this is not all we can see.
She has got a blond hair which is in a bun, she has got a simple straight features, she is not so preatty, but she isn't ugly. Now her cheeks are as red as the nightdress she wears.
Her expression isn't happy, maybe she feels sad.
She is Mary, a friend of my old brother. She is looking through the window, outside, where she can see a large orange building, which is on Florida.
Mary is sitting on a hostel bed, thinking about last night's party because she met a boy and they started to talk and laugh. Finally at the end of the party, they gave their mobile numbers.
She doesn't sleep yet, but she knows that in the afternoon, she will call him.

diumenge, 19 de setembre del 2010


I believe the best things to learn English are:
  1. An oral practice to improve with a native speaker.
  2. Doing listening tascs on class.
  3. Doing grammar and vocabulary exercices.
  4. The grammar lesons must be in English.
  5. Pair work or group work.

And the worst things to learn English better are:

  1. Don't have homework every day.
  2. Talking to my partner in the classes and not in English.
  3. Sitting at the back of the class.
  4. Having long grammar lesons.
  5. Reading a lot in class.

I agree with the others in my group, but I've moved the place of some phrases.

dimecres, 21 d’abril del 2010


This incredible invention is useful for the waitresses, because it’s very difficult to keep the glasses, the full cans, and the bottles right on the tray, and walk around the tables and the chairs with agility.
You must put your fingers in the holes which are on the tray, and your problems will finish, and the tray won't fall down again.

dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2010


I think this paintings are art, because they are originals and moderns.
Putting the art on common places, where people can see art every day in its ordinary life, is excellent.
Also, I think that this art is a funny way to make a lot of smiles.

diumenge, 7 de febrer del 2010

Anuncio Publicitario FINA

Hecho por: Eva Güibas y Núria Ferrer

dijous, 3 de desembre del 2009

Efectos Vocales

Socorro, no controlo los bolsos;

solo propongo robos,

por todos vosotros.

No conozco otro modo,

no compro, solo lo cojo.

Como los mongolos, lo gozo.

dimecres, 28 d’octubre del 2009


I have been to a contert of Gertrudis.

It is a catalan rumba group, and it came last friday in the enclosure of huts.

On friday I was there too and I enjoyed so much this concert.